WILSON Charles Parkis

Known information

Private Charles Parkis Wilson, son of Sarah Ann Wilson of Edith Weston, was born at Empingham on 27 January 1892. He joined the 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards on 11 January 1915, and went out to France in October the same year. He took part in the fighting on the Somme, and was wounded when the Guards attacked the German trenches between Guedecourt and Lesboeufs. He was killed nearly a year later on 4 September 1917, during the Third Battle of Ypres (Passchendaele) near Bixschoote. His Sergeant wrote: "We were occupying a position in an advanced post, and after a very restless night had settled down for a quiet day, when the enemy began to shell our post, one of the shells striking the dug out occupied by your son and another lad. I regret to say that he was instantly killed. We buried him the following night shortly after midnight, the chaplain reading the service, and such of us as could be spared were present. We all regret the loss of a good man and a brave soldier." His grave was subsequently lost and he is now remembered on Panel 9 of the Tyne Cot Memorial and also in Edith Weston church.

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  • Edith Weston
  • Edith Weston Memorial
  • Edith Weston Memorial 2
  • Tyne Cot drone 1 JS
  • Tyne Cot Memorial
  • C P Wilson

User contributions

A picture of his name on Tyne Cot Memorial, taken 12 September 2015.
By John Stokes on Sunday 6th December '15 at 11:15am
A Rutlander, living in Belgium

Rutland and The Battle of the Somme

More than 90 Rutland soldiers died in the Battle of the Somme which lasted from 1 July 1916 until the middle of November. Today they lie in cemeteries across the old battlefield in northern France or are remembered among the 72,000 names on the Thiepval Memorial to the Missing of the Somme. By using our interactive map, you can find out what happened to them.

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